Tuesday, June 12, 2012

HOA Extreme Overreach At Its Worst

Today's homeowners association horror story takes place in the happy village of Irvine. Style points here for capturing the quintessential master-planned community at its worst and great video of a confrontation in which an irate homeowner by sheer verbal barrage got an HOA crew to back off, at least temporarily, from ripping out his landscaping. (Video: ocregister.com/columns/frank)

Linda Lester moved into the Vista Filare tract of Irvine in 1984. Al Schwartz, a retired chemist, moved in with Lester in 1990. Their front yard is subject to HOA landscaping regulations.

The feud between them and the HOA began in 2010 when Schwartz objected to the HOA's desire to trim their front yard tree. Schwartz placed a sign on the tree warning the trimmers not to touch it. The HOA came back and simply cut the tree down – and removed all of the landscaping Schwartz had planted in the HOA-maintained area.

Bill Westlund, the HOA president, told me the yard was "overgrown." Schwartz calls the way they left it "ugly" and says the HOA acted out of retaliation. (Go to the photos online and you can judge the before and after.)

Next, in 2011, the couple got a notice from the city that another tree was too close to their chimney. Westlund says he doesn't know who turned in the couple, but the couple blamed the HOA and called it selective enforcement and retaliation. Schwartz looked through his 268-home neighborhood and found 48 other violations of the same rule. All had to be trimmed or come down, further inflaming the situation.

Litigation out of the 2010 incident resulted in a settlement that called for a third landscaping plan, agreed to by both sides. Lester and Schwartz contend the HOA breached the deal because it didn't plant a vine where the pact called for one. Also, they say, part of the front yard was not included in the deal at all.

Schwartz, an amateur gardener with a vast knowledge of plants, again put in some of his own choosing. His tend to be more drought-tolerant and to flower prodigiously, but they also tend to be bushier than the rest of the tract's sculpted shrubbery.

Whether a "bushy" plant is also a nonconforming plant is in the eye of the beholder in Vista Filare because, as Westlund admits, the HOA has no list of approved plants. But Westlund contends any objective observer would see the couple's plants don't belong. "They're not in sync with the neighborhood," he told me. "(The plants) are all different. It's completely overgrown."

Schwartz had been told to expect crews to show up Monday morning and rip out his handiwork. He was particularly upset about the pending destruction of a fragrant night-blooming jessamine and a rare turquoise puya, which produces a single magnificent bloom every decade.

I arrived at 7 a.m. The property manager and a security guard arrived about 8:10, and the gardeners a few minutes later. In a showdown on the sidewalk, Schwartz verbally tore into the property manager, Bree Douglas, as the guard videoed.

An excerpt from a barrage that went almost nonstop: "You are about to destroy the value of our home again! You are liable! You are corporately liable and you are individually liable! Your Nuremberg Defense will not work! You are not just following orders! You are doing this willfully, maliciously, obnoxiously, purposefully, despite homeowner objection! ..."

They stood about 15 feet apart most of the time, but as Schwartz moved to close the gap, Douglas held up her hand and asked him to stop. Douglas kept her cool, trying to engage Lester in conversation. The gardeners stood by, shovels ready.

But Schwartz repeatedly interjected. If Douglas and Lester started talking quietly, Schwartz later indicated, the gardeners might feel safe to move in. "You don't know what you're doing, do you? he yelled at Douglas. "You're just here as a lap dog here to destroy!"
Finally, after about 25 minutes, the HOA retreated. Westlund told me later its lawyer will have to get involved.

Schwartz was ranting so loud and was so red in the face that, at one point, I expressed concern for his health. He looked at me like I was a rube.

"I'm from Brooklyn," he said. "You can't be nice to them. It doesn't work. We do this all the time. You have to meet them on their own terms."

Mickadeit writes Mon.-Fri. Contact him at 714-796-4994 or fmickadeit@ocregister.com

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